When I get older
I will be stronger
They Will call me freedom
Just like a waving flag
And then it goes back (3)
Sounds bites are loud in boom boxes
When the Westerner sits in his car
cruising African streets
peaks his head out only to snap shots
Glances at my people and Judges
No condoms, No schools
Just mud houses and face paints
Africa is too complicated/too rich/too poor
for love at first sights
these quick observations lead
the west to dehumanize us
Africans are the posters boys/girls
for Poverty and AIDS.
Honestly, that really hurts
When I was a tiny baby
just learning how to walk
mom called me Tesfa
It means Hope
All African moms call their children Hope.
They Hope.
This generation will lift the continent
All Ethiopia needs hope
All East Africa needs hope
All Africa needs hope.
Far away places are hard to remember
I know, we can pretend they don't exist.
But like mom says
though it been 7 years since I left
I never forgotten
I don't see Africa poor
I see Africa Rich
people are in bad times,
but I know destinies change
but tell me,
Why does the West focus so much
on our war zones and corruptions.
We are also Artists, Olympians and Scholars
I see Africa the beautiful, unlike what always on CNN.
I don't see Africa poor
I see Africa rich
my house was near a mosque
my neighbors were all Muslims
my family is Christians but we all understood
under the face of God, we were all just humans
I don't see Africa poor
I see Africa rich
we might need charity
but we prefer fair partners
African are not helpless, in fact
We're freedom fighters
Brave like Panthers
African Youth , Stand up
Home or Abroad.
We must have a Voice.
What ever it may take.
We gonna make
our mother Africa proud.
Back home when things get hard
we celebrate our blessings
we move our shoulder like this
move your shoulder like this
Dance to keep from tearing up
Dance to mark new beginnings
WE Dance!!
Writer-Selam Misgano